CQ, or creativity quotient, is a measurement of a person’s capacity for original thought and idea generation. It is comparable to the idea of intelligence quotient (IQ), which assesses cognitive skills, but emphasises creativity especially.
In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, where businesses and organisations are continuously looking for new and inventive ideas, the creativity quotient is becoming more and more significant. Success in industries where creative thinking is crucial, such as research and development, marketing, and entrepreneurship, is linked to high CQ.
Likewise, several other elements like emotional intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills are also essential for innovation.
How do students develop these skills from their early years?
This brings us to the topic of this article.
Let’s find out 5 Ways the IBDP Program Prepares Students for Success in Higher Education and Beyond.
With a well planned and organised curriculum, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) equips students for success in higher education and beyond. The IBDP programme assists students in five different ways to acquire the abilities and expertise necessary to succeed in college and their future careers:
Creativity Quotient: It’s crucial to remember that the creativity quotient can be increased by a variety of techniques, including brainstorming, free writing, and lateral thinking exercises. The ability to think creatively can also be impacted by several variables, including motivation, emotional intelligence, and cognitive flexibility. Redbridge International Academy is the best International IBDP school in South Bangalore near Electronic City. The school has a trained faculty with the appropriate teacher to student ratio where great emphasis is laid on developing holistic education for students through the IBDP program.
Critical thinking abilities: The IBDP programme strongly emphasises critical thinking which is essential for them to succeed in higher education and beyond, students must be able to think for themselves and make thoughtful judgements.
Global perspective: The IBDP curriculum is created to provide students with a global perspective, assisting them in comprehending and appreciating various cultures and modes of thought. This is particularly significant.
Having a thorough awareness of various cultures is crucial for success in many industries in the connected world of today. Although students live in different nations because of the parent’s professional obligations, they will touch base with their culture, language and nativity, while they get to learn and explore newer traditions and cultures worldwide in International schools like Redbridge International Academy.
Writing and research abilities: As part of the IBDP curriculum, students must complete a 4,000-word extended essay, which aids in the development of their writing and research abilities. In addition, the curriculum promotes the growth of students’ writing communication skills, which are crucial for success in a variety of careers.
Time Management: The IBDP curriculum calls on students to successfully manage their time and maintain order. Students benefit from learning how to manage the day to day routines and fulfil deadlines, which is essential for success in higher education and beyond.
Personal Growth: Self-discipline and motivation are required because the IBDP programme is demanding. For students to achieve, they must have self-discipline and motivation. To succeed in higher education and beyond, students need to learn how to set objectives, work independently, and endure in the face of difficulties. Redbridge International Academy, the best boarding school in Bangalore allows students to blend, mingle and happily live as day boarders and weekly boarders with the best facilities.
In conclusion, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) is a curriculum that equips students with critical thinking, global perspective, writing, and research skills, as well as time management and organisation skills, self-motivation, and discipline, to succeed in higher education and beyond. To enrol your kids in the best visit the website: