Public speaking tips

10 Essential Public Speaking Tips

Public speaking refers to connecting a wide range of audiences with your intention, message, or information catering with effective speaking techniques. Be it any type of public speaking event, the key to captivating the audience remains fundamental yet robust which is explained below in detail. It is important to induce such techniques as 

This article explains the effective presentation skills and speaking techniques you must master to keep the audience’s engagement intact. 

Public Speaking Tips

1. Craft Your Message 

  • A well-crafted message always resonates with the audience irrespective of their demographics and philosophical ethics. 
  • Ensure your content is clear, concise, and well-crafted. Build your content focusing on central ideas and avoid jargon in a sophisticated language that might confuse the listeners. 
  • Ensure that the message is strong, compelling, and memorable enough to set your points. 
  • Use stories and examples to lead you to a clear understanding of your content. 
  • Ensure to leave with clear comments and messages that are well-crafted and rational.

2. Begin with Impact

  • Begin your speech with an effective pitch, tone, or level of presentation. 
  • The audience can act with a proper question or an engaging anecdote to grab the audience’s attention. 
  • Land certain articulations technically using the speech metrics. 
  • Establish the credibility to set the stage for the rest of the speech. 
  • Have a powerful opening, a body, and an ending to make the audience more receptive to your message and engage it throughout the presentation.

3. Be Authentic

  • Be genuine and authentic in presenting the speech which is crucial for building trust in connection with the audience. 
  • Be more credible with information to foster a stronger bond with the listeners. 
  • Avoid trying to mimic other speakers and set your style of presenting the speech. 
  • Adapt a natural persona to express your thoughts and emotions genuinely. 
  • Ensure that your speech contains authenticity that not only enhances your delivery but also makes the message more relatable and imitable to impact and take action by your audience when they leave the room.

4. Rehearse Thoroughly  

  • Practice your speech multiple times which is vital for smooth delivery. 
  • Ensure that your speech has a purpose to revise it less yet effective. 
  • Practice the key takeaways of the speech multiple times to speak more naturally and fluently during the main speech. 
  • Rehearse in front of the audience or record your voice to identify the areas of improvement. 
  • Ensure that your delivery body language and timing are perfect even during the rehearsal times. 
  • Speak in conditions that resonate with the actual speaking environment with props and visual aids. 
  • Practice in front of your friends, family, or peers to get feedback and amend accordingly. 
  • Rehearsing increases comfort and confidence, and reduces the likelihood of blabbering, faltering, or misspelling, enhancing your overall performance.

5. Manage Your Pace

  • Control your speaking pace, pitch, or tone to maintain the engagement intact with the audience, which ensures clarity. 
  • Speaking slowly can cause boredom and speaking too quickly causes overwhelming to the listeners. 
  • Use natural pauses to emphasize key points to manage your pace effectively, which gives the audience time to absorb the information. 
  • Be mindful of your breathing, which regulates your pace and prevents you from rushing. 
  • Don’t be hasty with the content and keep the pitch at an optimum level highlighting the key points. 
  • Check the timing during the rehearsals to ensure that you are on par with the amount of duration given to you to deliver your speech.

6. Dress Appropriately

  • Appropriate dressing shall create an impression on the audience. 
  • Choose business attire for formal events and choose a casual dress code for casual settings. 
  • The appropriateness of dressing based on the speech or the event reflects professionalism. 
  • Ensure your outfit is clean and fit, and secure your posture while you deliver the speech. 
  • Dressing establishes your credibility and shows respect for the audience and the event. 
  • Select your attire based on the venue and the audience’s basic expectations. 
  • Apart from the articulation or the content, dressing too complements your message by reinforcing your confidence and professionalism throughout your delivery.

7. Anticipate Challenges

  • Prepare for the potential challenges that you might face while delivering the speech. 
  • Anticipate some of the basic issues like technical difficulties, tough questions, and time, and have contingency plans in place. 
  • Be aware of the equipment early and have backups like printed notes or USB drives to present your speech. 
  • Practice both common and uncommon questions related to your topic. 
  • Develop personal strategies to stay composed when disruptions occur. 
  • Be proactive in addressing these challenges early on to handle the unforeseen problems that might affect your confidence, expertise, and professionalism.               

8. Familiarize Yourself with the Venue  

  • Familiarize with the type of audience and equipment to enhance your presentation equipment. 
  • Familiarize yourself with the available technology, microphones, projectors, and clickers, and test them if there’s time and possibility. 
  • Visit the location beforehand to understand the ethos the room can provide. 
  • Understand certain elements to plan your movement, positioning, posturing, and interaction with the audience. 
  • Prepare enough to reduce the likelihood of technical difficulties while delivering your message. 
  • Be confident and at ease to navigate the space during your presentation.                

9. Engage Your Audience

  • Cut in some interesting facts and humor to keep the audience interested and involved in your presentation. 
  • Use certain techniques for their prompt participation and gauge their understanding. 
  • Use anecdotes or relatable stories to create a connection and keep the engagement intact with the audience. 
  • Encourage quick feedback and quick discussions to foster a dynamic environment with the audience. 
  • Be proactive and engage with the audience with answers to the questions to be more interactive and memorable.            

10. Establish Eye Contact 

  • Maintaining eye contact is a vital aspect of building rapport and maintaining audience engagement. 
  • Eye contact helps to gauge audience reactions and adjust your level of presentation during the speech. 
  • It addresses the basic connection with the listeners and conveys confidence, sincerity, and genuineness of the message that you are intended to present. 
  • Eye contact can reinforce your presence and authority over the subject and your interaction with the audience. 
  • Make brief and meaningful connections with different sections of the audience to keep the attention focused on your message.


Therefore, to present effective public speech, mastering the above-enumerated techniques is essential. Engage with the audience, dress appropriately, anticipate challenges, familiarize yourself with the speech, practice regularly, maintain eye contact, manage your pace, and be authentic overall with the purpose of the message to keep the delivery a compelling presentation and an everlasting impression with the audience.

Thank you for reading our blog! We hope you found the information helpful and engaging. Don’t forget to explore our latest blog Benefits of IGCSE and IB Programs for more insights. As one of the Best ICSE schools in south Bangalore, we offer a variety of programs designed to enrich your child’s learning experience. You can explore our website to find all the details about our school and the various programs we offer. Happy reading!


What are the key elements to craft an impactful public speaking message?

To craft an impactful public speaking message, you should focus on a clear and central idea with relevant data, compelling stories, fact-based information, and concise language to resonate with the audience’s interest.

How can I start my speech to make a memorable first impression?

Begin with a striking fact, an anecdote, a metaphor, or a humor phrase as a strong hook to begin the speech. This sets a positive tone and intrigues your audience to make a memorable first impression, and to encourage them to stay engaged throughout your presentation.

Why is authenticity important in public speaking?

The authenticity of a speech is based on the genuine and relatable factors that enhance credibility and make sure your message reaches the audience in an intended way. Authenticity builds trust and rapport, which makes you remember to them a better speaker who is true to his or her message.

What strategies can help me manage my speaking pace effectively?

Practice regularly, show variance in your speed, use natural pauses, control your breath, and seek questions to answer to manage your pace effectively. Build your tone, pitch, and voice based on the message that you intended to deliver in your presentation.

3 secret study tips

Are You Using These 3 Secret Study Tips?

It is inevitable to invest certain energies into study time to get a desired result or stay atop, but does hard work pay off? Mastering the art of studying is more than working hard rather working smart with certain techniques complementing genuine diligence. This article unravels a world of techniques and effective habits to incorporate into your study time to stay atop in your academic performance in school. Get ahead with the following ‘3 Secret Study Tips’ to ensure as a game-changer in your overall academic performance.

1. Understand How Our Memory Works

 Memory plays a fundamental aspect in learning, absorbing, retaining, and recalling information. One can optimize study habits and understand how information can be moved from short-term to long-term storage. Understand the types of memory and use explained below to tailor your study methods accordingly

Types of memory 

There are two types of memories.

1. Short-term memory:

It is like a mental notepad, which allows you to quickly access the data.

2. Long-term memory:

Stores the information indefinitely, like facts, concepts, and summaries, where the knowledge can be solidified and retained for future recall. 

Understanding these methods, identify how the information is to be stored and tailor your study methods.

Moving information between two types of memory 

To retain the knowledge or information, transferring it from the short term to the long term is essential. This transformation from short-term to long-term memory is called consolidation. 

  • This process can be enhanced through varied techniques like rehearsal, repetition, and breaking off large matters into meaningful chunks, reinforcing the neural connections. 
  • Associating new information with existing knowledge through elaborative rehearsal strategies can strengthen retention and transform short-term memory into long-term and lasting knowledge.

Strategies for studying: 

There are notable strategies to use memory for studying, which enhances retention. 

  • Mnemonics – Aids memory like acronyms or rhymes. 
  • Visualization – Creates mental images. 
  • Spacing – Regulates your study sessions over time.

The integration of the above techniques into your study routine helps to transform the information into long-term memory, making studying more efficient and less overwhelming.

How to use memory?  

Establish a study schedule that includes regular breaks to consolidate the information. Test yourself with active recall methods to reinforce the art of learning. Integrate memory aids like mind maps or organize the concepts visually using flashcards for memory consolidation. Take adequate rest. Consume nutritious food to maintain a healthy diet which plays a significant role in cognitive function and enhances memory.

2. Discover Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is a common obstacle that can derail the best studies put into education. The following are the practical strategies to help you break procrastination and empower you to take control of your time and focus to build a productive cycle of study.

Pomodoro technique: 

The Pomodoro technique is a time management strategy that helps you maintain focus and build a productive study cycle. This technique is reputed as a powerful tool in fighting procrastination.

  • Breaks work into managing intervals typically 25 minutes followed by a short break. Helps reduce the overwhelming feeling of tackling large material. 
  • Leverages the brain’s natural attention span by preventing procrastination. 
  • Improves the ability to manage time and increase efficiency which enhances the overall productivity. 

Learn how to make new habits:

 Building new routines or habits can establish a strong foundation for a productive life study cycle which reduces procrastination.

  • Set small and achievable goals that are specific and align with the larger objectives. 
  • Practice a new habit until it becomes automatic. 
  • Reward yourself after completing a task to reinforce a positive attitude. 
  • Engage in desired behavior such as studying at the same time each day to solidify such habits. 

How to ignore old habits?

 Ignoring old habits can take off the procrastination and help to build a conscious effort to replace them with more effective practices.

  • Identify what triggers procrastination such as phone or browsing the internet. 
  • Consciously interrupt them with a new positive action. 
  • Replace all old habits with new ones with simple methods so procrastination can diminish. 
  • Practice mindfulness to stay aware which may slip you into any old practices. 
  • Indulge in a physical activity to put the laziness at bay.

3. Tips for Studying Effectively at Home and Preparing for Tests

How to Study Like a Topper?

Studying like a topper demands more effective habits and strategic planning than just intelligence. The following strategies guide your energies into a solid study schedule to stay on top with consistent motivation that sets you up for success.

Create a Schedule and Stick to It 

  • Begin to map out your study goals. Allocate specific time for each subject. 
  • Make an organized approach to help you manage your time effectively without last-minute cramming or pressure. 
  • Update your schedule accordingly and amend the deadlines or priorities. 
  • Adhere to the plan to maintain focus and reduce stress. 
  • Stick to your schedule as closely as possible for the overall academic performance.

Take Short Breaks to Avoid Burnout

  • Follow techniques like Pomodoro or Spaced Repetition to maintain productivity. 
  • Incorporate short breaks within the study strategies to prevent burnout. 
  • Give sufficient rest to recharge your brain reduce mental fatigue and increase overall focus. 
  • Engage in a relaxing activity like mindfulness or meditation to keep your concentration level optimum. 
  • Keep yourself refreshed with regular short breaks which enhances concentration. 
  • Indulge in physical activity to maintain mental and physical fitness and improve the cognitive function of the brain.

Review Notes Regularly and Don’t Cram Before Exams

  • Run consistent notes and review them regularly to reinforce learning and improve retention. 
  • Revisit your short notes and summaries instead of cramming all your study into one night before the exam. 
  • Summarize the key points and test yourself on the content. 
  • Recall the material through a strategy like space repetition to solidify your understanding. 
  • Consider dedicated time reviews to go over what you have learned.

Stay Organized and Keep Track of Deadlines and Assignments 

  • Stay organized for academic success with tools like planners, calendars, or digital apps. 
  • Keep track of your assignments, tests, deadlines, and exam dates. 
  • Update your to-do list and prioritize the tasks based on the schedule. 
  • Set deadlines for each step based on the urgency and importance. 
  • Stay organized beforehand to reduce stress and ensure that you have completed assignments on time. 
  • Manage the workload efficiently for a more balanced and productive study routine.

When necessary, ask teachers or tutors for assistance

  • Seek help from teachers or tutors when you encounter difficulties during the study time. 
  • Regularly engage with the students, superiors, peers, or teachers to address specific questions or challenges. 
  • Seek assistance not only when encountering obstacles but also at certain times to demonstrate your commitment. 
  • Be proactive in addressing the issues and exert help from the experts in understanding the material and enhancing overall academic performance.   

Stay Motivated and Believe in Your Ability to Succeed

  • Set achievable goals and remind yourself of the progress regularly. 
  • Surround yourself with peers and mentors to encourage your efforts. 
  • Reward yourself for small victories to focus on your long-term objectives. 
  • Foster resilience and patience to overcome challenges and stay committed to the tasks.   


To transform your learning experience and make it more efficient by incorporating the above 3 secret studies tips. Retain the information better, stay focused longer, and approach exams with greater confidence by adopting these smarter techniques which are key to success. Start using these hacks and see to yourself for the overall improved results dramatically.

Thank you for reading our blog! We hope you found the information helpful and engaging. Don’t forget to explore our latest blog Leadership Skills in Children for more insights. As one of the top schools in Bangalore, we offer a variety of programs designed to enrich your child’s learning experience. You can explore our website to find all the details about our school and the various programs we offer. Happy reading!


What are some effective memory techniques for studying?

Spatial repetition, visualization, and the use of mnemonics are some of the effective memory techniques for studying. Mnemonics aid to recall through the associations and visualization helps to create the mental images to store in your mind while spatial repetition reviews the material at increased intervals. 

How can I use the Pomodoro Technique to improve my study habits?

The Pomodoro approach maintains concentration, encourages regular short breaks, prevents burnout, and improves overall productivity and time management. Break the study sessions into 25-minute focused intervals followed by a 5-minute break and keep such process interpretation to get effective results. 

What are the best ways to overcome procrastination in studying?

Break larger tasks into smaller chunks, create a well-crafted study schedule, and incorporate techniques to eliminate distractions and procrastination in studying. 

How often should I review my notes to avoid cramming before exams?

Review your notes regularly to reinforce learning and solidify the knowledge to reduce the last-minute cramming or pressure. 

What should I do if I struggle with staying motivated while studying?

1. Implement spatial repetition for optimal retention of information to be stress-free and anxiety-free before appearing in exams.
2. Maintain a positive mindset first and later set specific goals and reward yourself for achieving certain milestones.
3. Surround yourself with the materials, a clutter-free environment, and peers to give you suggestions or advice.
4. Use techniques like the Pomodoro or spatial repetition to keep yourself engaged with the subject matter.