The Covid-19 pandemic brought one word back to popularity which is Mental health.

We used to talk about mental health earlier too but most people won’t even consider mental health as a serious problem. It is 2023 and the stigma around mental health is still there. To make an impact one thing we should all do is speak about it. Speaking about mental health is important as speaking up about any other thing. In this blog, we will discuss Mental health and its impact on school students.


The mental health of a person is defined by their psychological and emotional well-being. Good mental health is the foundation of good well-being. It is the especially very crucial duration of the foundation year of an individual. It is very vital to look into the mental health of students and provide them with the support they need.

Why is Mental Health Important for students?

  1. Impact on the social life of Students

Good mental health is really necessary for social interactions. Students going through a phase of bad mental health have trouble forming social interactions and relationships. Such isolation can lead to loneliness and depression.

  1. Impact on Physical Health

 Apart from good food and lifestyle, the Physical health of a person is very much        related to mental health also. Students suffering from mental health issues experience symptoms of physical health issues like headaches, body pain and fatigue too. If not treated in time, it can cause more physical health issues too.

  1. Impact on Academic Performance

Mental health issues have a lot of impact on the academic performance of a student. Students going through mental health issues such as anxiety and depression find it really difficult to concentrate on their studies which impacts their grades.

 Redbridge International Academy one of the best igcse schools near bannerghatta road has a 1:20 teacher-student ratio so that every student is getting the attention they require. Students are taught about mental health and are encouraged to speak up when they need to.

How to Promote Mental Health among Students?

  1. Education

Schools should address mental health issues and educate students about mental health. Schools should educate students about the impact of mental health on well-being and how important it is to look for help when necessary. This education can help reduce the taboo surrounding mental health problems and encourage students to look for help when needed. Redridge International Academy, the best International School in Bangalore regularly educates students about mental health and its impacts. The school encourages its students to speak up when needed.

  1. Providing Support To Students

Students suffering from mental health issues require a lot of support. This support comes in the form of psychologists, therapists and counsellors. Psychologist helps us to know what someone is going through and the reason behind it. Therapists and counsellors can have sessions with the students where they can talk with them and provide needed mental support. Schools should be providing students with access to these mental health resources. Teachers at one of the best ib international schools in Bangalore, Redbridge International Academy regularly talk with students and if needed the school provides mental counselling to the students.

3.Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation help students to reduce their anxiety and manage stress. The importance of these practices should be taught to students by the teachers and the students should be encouraged to take part in such practices. Yoga and meditation have a great positive impact on the mental as well as physical well-being of students. It helps in developing coping mechanisms. Redbridge International Academy, widely regarded as one of the Best International Schools in Bangalore  encourage students to meditate. They have regular seminars happening to teach the benefits of yoga and meditation. 

4.Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle

As we have discussed earlier about how mental health affects physical health. Physical health also has a lot of impact on mental health. Promoting a good and healthy lifestyle is an important point in improving mental health. Schools should encourage students to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle consists of doing regular exercise and having a balanced and healthy diet. Getting adequate sleep is also a part of a healthy lifestyle. These habits promote good mental health.

In conclusion, mental health is an important part of overwell being of a student. While parents should be taking care of that, schools should be the first place where it should be promoted. Every school should start teaching the importance of mental health to each and every student. Redbridge International Academy, one of the top international baccalaureate schools in bangalore is already doing it. They promote inclusivity among students so that if someone is going through anxiety, he is able to speak up with other students or a teacher. Redbridge Internation Academy has recently been awarded as the best boarding school in bangalore. You can visit the campus and learn more about it.

Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in Classroom

The world is moving really fast and constantly evolving. Schools, for the most part, focus only on learning but is really important to instill critical thinking skills in students. The information laid out to us from different sources is very vast. There is a lot of misinformation also. Having critical thinking skills will help students to navigate and make sense of the provided information. Critical thinking involves analyzing information, evaluating arguments and opinions and making correct judgements with valid reason based on the evidence.  Redbridge International Academy, The best international school in Bangalore is one of the schools that is a pioneer in teaching critical thinking to its students. Let’s learn the art from them.

Ask Questions

Teachers should ask open-ended questions rather than asking close-ended questions. For example in history lessons, instead of asking about battle dates, students should be asked about what they learned from the war. It gives a chance to students to analyse and think critically rather than memorizing a specific date

Teach Students how to argue

A good argument is the main use of critical thinking. Teach students about constructing an argument and making their point. Teachers should set some rules in the argument and provide students with examples of good and bad arguments. Arguments are a very nice way to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of every student. Debate organisation is something which is very common at Redbridge International Academy, one of the best ib board schools in bangalore, students are encouraged to take part in the debates and constructive arguments.

Let students work in groups

Decision-making is a very big part of critical thinking.

Teachers should encourage students to make decisions as much as possible. It provides students with opportunities to analyse different information. It helps should learn and analyse about pros and cons of a lot of things. Once students start analysing information is when they will start taking decisions

Inspire creativity

Critical thinking is incomplete without creativity. Teachers should find different ways to inspire students to be creative. Creativity can be inspired through writing, songs and a lot of various forms. Students should be encouraged to take part in cultural programs in the school. Creativity is not limited to art and culture and can actually be found in simple things also. Encourage students to think outside the box and then come up with creative solutions. Give them tasks which require them to use their imagination and critical thinking skills. Students at Redbridge International Academy, one of the top ib schools in Bangalore, are very creative because of the way they learn. The process of learning is such that it inspires creativity and leadership among students

Students develop most of their critical thinking skills in school and it helps a person through his whole life. Since children learn in various ways, it becomes important for students to reach every student effectively. Critical thinking is far more important than what we think. From the early days, schools should be encouraging and helping students to develop critical thinking skills. Redbridge International Academy, the best ICSE school in Bangalore, works on the critical thinking of students very seriously. Students are allowed to develop these skills through different activities.

Redbridge International Academy has recently been awarded as the best residential school in Bangalore, You can check out the campus to learn more about the teaching process and education.

Executive Functioning Skills

Yes, that’s right. A school is a place where students not only learn knowledge and information but also develop a variety of important skills essential for success. These are developed through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience.

An essential skill that students develop in school is collaboration. This refers to the ability to work effectively with others to achieve a common goal. Collaboration is taught through group projects, teamwork activities, and group discussions. It also develops through the interactions between students and teachers, as well as with other school staff and volunteers.

Executive functioning skills refer to a set of cognitive abilities that help us plan, focus, and carry out tasks. These skills are crucial for success in school, work, and daily life, and they can be improved with practice.

Some examples of executive functioning skills include

Accountability: Students realise the reasons why homework, assignments, projects and activities are assigned to them. Also, teams and collaborative efforts make them accountable for their peers, and class and imbibe team spirit in them. 

Inhibition: This is the ability to control impulses and resist distractions. For example, if you’re trying to work on a difficult task and your phone starts buzzing with notifications, having strong inhibition skills will help you stay focused and not get sidetracked.

Emotional regulation: This is the ability to manage and express emotions in appropriate ways. For example, if you’re feeling angry or frustrated, having strong emotional regulation skills will help you control your temper and respond to the situation in a calm and measured way.

Flexibility: This is the ability to adapt to new information and changing circumstances. For example, if your boss suddenly asks you to take on an additional project, having strong flexibility skills will help you adjust your plans and find a way to make it work.

Planning and organization: This is the ability to set goals, develop plans, and manage time effectively. For example, if you’re trying to study for an exam, having strong planning and organization skills will help you break the material down into manageable chunks and create a study schedule that works for you.

There are many ways to improve your executive functioning skills, such as:

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a form of meditation that involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Research suggests that mindfulness can help improve focus, attention, and emotional regulation. Redbridge International Academy is one of the best ib school in bangalore. It promotes mindfulness with meditation and yoga classes for every student inside the campus.

Simply the best international IB school in South Bangalore, the campus here favours outdoor education, organic plantations and more. Students are given time to play with docile animals to keep them engaged and in touch with nature. 

Break down complex tasks into smaller steps: When faced with a big project or task, it can be overwhelming to think about all the steps required to complete it. Break down the task into smaller, manageable steps and focus on one step at a time. At Redbridge International Academy, one of the Best International Schools in Bangalore we allow the students to plan and discover ways to approach a task. The ideal way is concluded through the collaboration of ideas.

Stay organized: Clutter and disorganization can be distracting and make it harder to find what you need. Keeping the workspace clean and tidy, and putting things away when you’re done with them are a few of the essential habits, students develop at Redbridge International Academy, the best International School in Bangalore

It’s important to remember that everyone’s brain works differently, so don’t be hard on yourself if you find it difficult to improve your executive functioning skills. With patience, consistency, and practice, you can make progress over time.

In summary, executive functioning skills are the cognitive abilities that help us plan, focus, and carry out tasks. 

Redbridge International Academy is one of the best ib international school in bangalore that provides a solid foundational ground for students of all capabilities. Here, the teaching methodologies focus on offering understandable teaching to students having different and unique learning styles along with the regular types, making learning fun and interesting.

Top 5 Benefits Of Arts And Music In The Development Of Students: Insights From The Best International School, Bangalore!

Music and art have been an inherent part of human culture for centuries. Every civilization has engaged itself in one or the other form of art. It helps to bind society together. Beyond providing entertainment, art and music have always impacted positively on the overall development of a human being

The teaching staff at Redbridge International Academy, the Best IB board school in Bangalore, always keep an eye on the learning of the students. Teachers make sure that every student is taking part in some form of art, music or dance motivating them to explore their talents and develop their traits to great potential in the future.

In this blog, we will explore the top 5 ways in which music and art help in the development of students.


Empathy is important in the development of a human being as it helps us understand someone else’s feelings. It helps students to understand each other better and form stronger relationships. Music and arts help students to feel an expansive range of emotions which helps them in developing better emotional intelligence. While listening to music or creating any art. Students go through a lot of emotions they might not have felt before or will not experience while practising formal studies. These can be deciphered through music, art and dance.


In a world full of such aggressive competition, We sometimes forget how important creativity is for students. Encouraging creativity from a young age is very important. Engaging students in creative activities like music and creating art helps them to explore themselves to their fullest potential. Engaging in music and other arts helps the brain to achieve a more open state which makes space for more different ideas to flow inside it. Creativity sets children apart from each other. 

The curriculum at Redbridge International Academy, the Best International Board School In Bangalore, makes sure that the creative learning of a child is taken good care of. The school provides an environment where students can boost their creativity and their critical thinking skills


Music has been well known for its positive health impact. The use of music to heal minds has been in practice for thousands of years. There is numerous research which proves how music and arts help improve mood and focus. Music and arts also help students in their cognitive development. Different art forms help in developing and improving different skills. Some art forms help in improving motor skills while the creation of some arts helps improve visual-spatial abilities. Apart from improving physical development, music and arts also help students develop reasoning skills. It boosts the confidence of the child which helps them overcome the challenging situation they would face in the future.

IBDP at Redbridge International Academy Promotes Music and arts in such a way that students themselves start generating interest. Teachers encourage students to develop new skills which not help in the present but in every stage of their life. 


In this new age world, you will find a lot of examples near you which show how only knowledge is not enough to succeed. Self-confidence is one the first thing everyone needs apart from knowledge. Music and arts have great benefits in the improvement of self-confidence. Creating art helps children to improve dedication, focus and perseverance. When a child can understand music or create art, it boosts his confidence and It translates into their academic performance too. 


Music and arts are those things which remove boundaries. You can listen to music of any kind, in any language. While seeing an art form you don’t know where is the artist from or belongs to which part of society. While it celebrates different cultures, it also promotes inclusivity. Children from a young age should be made aware of these things so that they see every human being through the same lens.

In conclusion, Music and arts are really important in the development of a person. It helps to prepare a human being for the upcoming challenges he has to face in life.

Redbridge International Academy is the Best IB International school in Electronic City. The school also is the Best ICSE school in Bangalore. The school takes care of the all-around development of its students. There are several dedicated and spacious rooms for practice. Trained staff are assigned to teach music, musical instruments, dance, art and theatre at RBIA. The school has an unmatchable infrastructure. Through its progressive learning methodology, the school helps students to find their interests and helps them succeed in life. 

Admissions are open for 2023-24. Schedule a visit to the campus or visit their website, to know more.

Interested In Stars? How to Figure out the Mass of a Star. Find Out!

The universe is a vast expanse that contains everything we know of in existence – galaxies, stars, planets, and other cosmic bodies. But one of the most incredible wonders in the cosmos is the stars. These brilliant and massive spheres of hot gases produce energy by nuclear fusion, creating the light and heat that have captivated humans for centuries.

Stars play a vital role in shaping the universe as we know it. They come in different sizes and masses, and they act as the building blocks of galaxies, supplying the essential elements for the creation of planets, moons, and other celestial bodies. When stars explode in supernovae, they contribute to moderating the universe’s temperature and chemical makeup by generating and dispersing heavy elements that make up the building blocks of life.

In essence, stars are not just fascinating objects to admire in the night sky. They are integral to the universe’s structure and contribute to the creation and sustenance of life as we know it.

Stars are fascinating celestial objects in the universe. As students, we often wonder about these twinkling wonders. No matter which streams you belong to, stars are a favourite for everyone since childhood. Scientists have progressed massively in the field of astronomy. Let us understand one aspect of the stars. How do astronomers figure out the mass of a star? 

In this blog post, we will explore the methods of determining the mass of a star.

Yes, we know that Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and it is typically measured in kilograms (kg) or solar masses. 

There are two primary methods that astronomers use: 

The gravitational method and The spectral method.

The gravitational method is based on the law of gravity, which states that the force of attraction between two objects is proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distance. By measuring a star’s gravitational influence on other nearby objects, astronomers can calculate its mass.

One of the most common ways to use the gravitational method is to study binary star systems. Binary star systems are two stars that orbit around a common centre of mass. By observing the stars’ orbital motion and measuring their separation and period, astronomers can calculate their masses. The best science labs at Redbridge International Academy, the best international school in Bangalore, give an touch of modern day understanding to students with a edge in practical education.

For example, let’s say in a binary system we observe one star is much larger and more massive than the other. We can measure the smaller star’s orbital period and distance from the larger star, and use Kepler’s laws of planetary motion to calculate the larger star’s mass. This is because the larger star exerts a gravitational force on the smaller star, which determines its orbit.

The second method, the spectral method, involves studying a star’s spectrum, which is the range of colours that make up its light. The spectrum can tell us about the star’s temperature, composition, and motion.

The stronger the surface gravity, the narrower and stronger the spectral lines will be.

Progress in observational astronomy and astrophysics has substantially improved our understanding of stars and the universe. To comprehend the workings of the universe and our role within it better, scientists continue to explore.

Students who have interests in astronomy have several opportunities to learn and explore to become the next famous someone. 

Redbridge International Academy is the best IB international school in Electronic City. The school also is the best ICSE school in Bangalore. Awarded time and again for the best infrastructure and architecture the 13 acre property is a blissful display of flora and fauna. The grounds and sports facilities are advanced and the school aims to provide holistic education to students and teach them by encouraging their interests, be it science, astrophysics, STEM education, dance, music and arts and so on. Visit their campus to find out more. Admissions are open for 2023-2024.

Curriculum Design: Purpose And Objective.  Why is IBDP superior?

A crucial component of education is curriculum design, which entails planning out teaching and learning activities. Determining what ought to be taught, how it ought to be taught, and the tools and resources necessary for effective learning. The development of curricula contributes to ensuring that students possess the knowledge and abilities necessary for success in both their academic and professional endeavours.

There are several types of curriculum designs. 

Subject-centred curriculum design focuses on the content of a particular subject area and is often used in traditional academic settings. 

Learner-centred curriculum design is more focused on the individual student and their learning types. 

Problem-centred curriculum design focuses on real-world problems and encourages students to develop solutions. 

Life-centred curriculum design prepares students for life beyond school, including their future careers and personal lives.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) stands out in the sphere of education. I can say confidently that the IBDP is the best curriculum design because of several factors I am a teacher who has experience with it.

First of all, the IBDP is a learner-centred curriculum. It is made to be adaptive and versatile, enabling teachers to customise their teaching strategies to the particular needs of their students. The IBDP promotes creative and cutting-edge teaching strategies, which results in a more effective and engaging learning environment for students.

Secondly, the IBDP is a problem-centred curriculum design. It encourages students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by focusing on real-world problems. This approach not only prepares students and helps them to become responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society.

Thirdly, the IBDP is a life-centred curriculum design. It is designed to prepare students beyond school by equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their future careers and personality. The IBDP offers a well-rounded education that includes academic subjects, as well as extracurricular activities such as community service, sports, and the arts.

Finally, the IBDP is an internationally recognized curriculum design. It is accepted by universities and employers around the world, making it an excellent choice for students who are interested in pursuing further education or careers abroad. The IBDP provides students with a global perspective and helps them to develop intercultural understanding and communication skills.

RBIA, the best IBDP International School in Bangalore offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) to its students, which is a globally recognised and respected curriculum design. Comprehensive curriculum: The IBDP at RBIA is a well-rounded program that emphasises not only academics but also personal development, community service, and extracurricular activities.

Expert faculty: RBIA has a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are experts in their respective subject areas and are dedicated to providing students with a top-notch education.

World-class facilities: RBIA has state-of-the-art facilities, including a well-stocked library, science and computer labs, a performing arts centre, and sports facilities, all of which provide students with a stimulating and enriching learning environment.

International exposure: The IBDP at RBIA the best International school near Electronic City provides students with a global perspective and prepares them for success in an increasingly interconnected world. The program encourages intercultural understanding and communication skills, which are essential in today’s diverse and dynamic society.

University placements: RBIA has an excellent track record of university placements, with students being accepted into some of the world’s most prestigious universities. The program’s international recognition and rigorous academic standards make RBIA graduates highly sought after by universities and employers worldwide.The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is the best curricular structure, to sum up. Being a member of the teaching faculty at RBIA, the best Ib International school near Bannerghatta, I  suggest it for students seeking a thorough education. Enquire about Redbridge International Academy in Bangalore or visit their campus now.

“5 Ways the IBDP Program Prepares Students for Success in Higher Education and Beyond”

CQ, or creativity quotient, is a measurement of a person’s capacity for original thought and idea generation. It is comparable to the idea of intelligence quotient (IQ), which assesses cognitive skills, but emphasises creativity especially.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, where businesses and organisations are continuously looking for new and inventive ideas, the creativity quotient is becoming more and more significant. Success in industries where creative thinking is crucial, such as research and development, marketing, and entrepreneurship, is linked to high CQ.

Likewise, several other elements like emotional intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills are also essential for innovation. 

How do students develop these skills from their early years?

This brings us to the topic of this article.

Let’s find out 5 Ways the IBDP Program Prepares Students for Success in Higher Education and Beyond.

With a well planned and organised curriculum, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) equips students for success in higher education and beyond. The IBDP programme assists students in five different ways to acquire the abilities and expertise necessary to succeed in college and their future careers:

Creativity Quotient: It’s crucial to remember that the creativity quotient can be increased by a variety of techniques, including brainstorming, free writing, and lateral thinking exercises. The ability to think creatively can also be impacted by several variables, including motivation, emotional intelligence, and cognitive flexibility. Redbridge International Academy is the best International IBDP school in South Bangalore near Electronic City. The school has a trained faculty with the appropriate teacher to student ratio where great emphasis is laid on developing holistic education for students through the IBDP program.

Critical thinking abilities: The IBDP programme strongly emphasises critical thinking which is essential for them to succeed in higher education and beyond, students must be able to think for themselves and make thoughtful judgements.

Global perspective: The IBDP curriculum is created to provide students with a global perspective, assisting them in comprehending and appreciating various cultures and modes of thought. This is particularly significant.

Having a thorough awareness of various cultures is crucial for success in many industries in the connected world of today. Although students live in different nations because of the parent’s professional obligations, they will touch base with their culture, language and nativity, while they get to learn and explore newer traditions and cultures worldwide in International schools like Redbridge International Academy.

Writing and research abilities: As part of the IBDP curriculum, students must complete a 4,000-word extended essay, which aids in the development of their writing and research abilities. In addition, the curriculum promotes the growth of students’ writing communication skills, which are crucial for success in a variety of careers.

Time Management: The IBDP curriculum calls on students to successfully manage their time and maintain order. Students benefit from learning how to manage the day to day routines and fulfil deadlines, which is essential for success in higher education and beyond.

Personal Growth: Self-discipline and motivation are required because the IBDP programme is demanding. For students to achieve, they must have self-discipline and motivation. To succeed in higher education and beyond, students need to learn how to set objectives, work independently, and endure in the face of difficulties. Redbridge International Academy, the best boarding school in Bangalore allows students to blend, mingle and happily live as day boarders and weekly boarders with the best facilities.

In conclusion, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) is a curriculum that equips students with critical thinking, global perspective, writing, and research skills, as well as time management and organisation skills, self-motivation, and discipline, to succeed in higher education and beyond. To enrol your kids in the best visit the website:

Why should parents consider sending their children to IB schools?

One of the major concerns of parents today is to identify the positive traits that can help them decide to choose the right curriculum for their children. 

During our study years, we would have discovered several pros and cons through experience. Now we would like to ensure that our children experience better schooling and find greater future opportunities.

Even when the variety of options available is plenty, why should parents consider sending their children to IB schools or attending IBDP is the question.

What we learn at 5 years is a habit till 50 years. This is a known fact that children develop life habits at an early age itself. Children often find it taxing to take the excessive load on themselves at a later stage in life suddenly when faced with challenges. If they learn a pattern and discipline at an early age, they are more likely to develop strong characters and resilience to face challenges. 

IBDP curriculum, we believe is so planned to provide a firm grounding for the holistic development of children during the crucial years of their childhood. 

The IBDP curriculum guarantees a comprehensive education for the pupils by including a variety of topic areas. A strong academic foundation and in-depth learning in the student’s areas of interest are made possible by studying three higher level subjects.

Three other disciplines are supported by this at a standard level to give the learner a broad knowledge base. IBDP has a practical approach towards learning a wide range and depth of knowledge and is the basis for a university liberal arts education. 

The teaching strategies used at Redbridge International Academy, the Best ib board school in bangalore, are distinctive in that they demand that students use the knowledge they acquire rather than just memorise it. It cultivates abilities in critical analysis, evaluation, and thought. 

IBDP at Redbridge International Academy fosters learning interest and teaches students to put what they have learned to use. This encourages and teaches kids to be responsible, and improves their writing and research abilities. Additionally, it teaches children perseverance and patience, which come in handy when doing assignments and having to repeat experiments until they produce the desired outcomes. This also gets them ready for the challenging schoolwork at universities.

Of course, their teachers assist them in this learning process and the IBDP students of Redbridge International Academy, the best international school near Electronic City, encourage students to discover their learning style and pace, as you may have gathered by this point.

Each student conducts original research for his or her work, adds her perspective, and then presents it in his/her distinctive manner. 

The integral parts of CAS (creativity, action, service), Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and the Extended Essay are what genuinely distinguish IBDP from another curriculum (EE). Students can expand on their extracurricular

involvement in the three main streams through CAS while also reflecting on their experiences. Students have the chance to positively impact their neighbourhood through the service strand, which helps them understand the significance of many social concerns. Participating in service projects with poor youngsters teaches them fundamental values. IB supports children’s emotional and personality development in this way.

Some of the students merge their enthusiasm for dancing, music, arts and CAS to make teaching underprivileged kids a more meaningful part of their learning. If students are applying to US universities, CAS has the added benefit of automatically creating a strong extracurricular profile. 

The Extended Essay, a 4000 word research report on a specific topic has to be submitted as per IBDP. The students can choose a subject for a research paper, conduct the necessary primary or secondary research, and then presents it. This promotes and improves their research abilities. They are taught to think independently and create original work because the IB is quite tough on plagiarism. This instils a work ethic that permeates every facet of their existence.

Students learn a priceless lesson in time management and multitasking because they must balance all of their academic topics, TOK, CAS, and EE, as well as several graded assessments.

They are ready for college life in a variety of ways after two years of learning the IB way. They may choose the appropriate subjects for themselves thanks to their writing, research, and independent thinking skills, which serve as a foundation for college life. The IBDP has sparked their curiosity about learning, which not only fuels their enthusiasm for learning but also makes the transition to college much simpler.

Redbridge International Academy. The school is accredited with several laurels for providing an excellent infrastructure, teaching methodology and sports training.

Learning Through Colour: Adding Value to International Education

Colour plays a crucial role in learning, particularly in international education. As educators, we have seen first-hand how the use of colours can add value to our teaching. At Redbridge International Academy, the Best International School in Bangalore, we celebrate the existence of colours by engaging students in fun filled activities on designated days like Pink Day, Green Day, Red Day and so on and so forth. You can check the videos of these vibrant celebrations on our social media channels.

Colour isn’t just about visual stimulation; it is also an effective tool to help students. Colours are universal; they transcend language barriers, diverse backgrounds, cultures and traditions.

In this article, we will explore how the use of colour can add value to international education by encouraging and creating a more engaging learning experience for students.

What Is the Importance of Colour in Education?

Adding colour to education is an important step in creating stimulating and engaging learning experiences. Not only do bright, cheerful colours provide learners with visual cues and represent the details they need to keep in mind while studying, but they can also be used to add emotional depth and an emotional connection to otherwise difficult topics.

Colours provide a range of sensory experiences that can capture attention, aid in memorization, and deepen understanding. By including colours in our lessons, we

can break down complex concepts into smaller pieces, enabling students to grasp the material more easily and make meaningful connections.

Colour-coded learning can be a powerful tool in the international curriculum as well. At RBIA, the popular International School in Bangalore we believe incorporating cultural symbols, flags, and colours into lessons, educators can help learners of different backgrounds connect with the material more effectively. 

Moreover, using vibrant colours from different cultures in lessons allows educators to establish a sense of shared identity between students from different countries and cultures.

How Can Color Aid in Learning?

Adding colour to the international curriculum can make a positive impact on learning and performance for students of all ages. Introducing colour into the teaching process can help break up difficult topics and make them easier to understand. For example, organized lists of concepts in different colours can be used to distinguish categories and between different concepts. At Redbridge International Academy, the best ICSE school in Bangalore, we consider the use of colours in learning as an crucial tool to effective international education.

Intentions, performance, and cognitive processes are all influenced by colour. According to a study by Plass, Heidig, Hayward, Homer, and Um (2014), warm colours like yellow and orange, rather than chilly ones like grey, can improve students’ learning when employed in materials. Red has been characterised in numerous ways, including as more energising, energetic, attention-drawing and overwhelming. Culture affects how people react to colours differently (Adams & Osgood, 1973). According to some research, “American responses to blue and yellow may differ from reactions of persons in other cultures” US folks might like blue, but others from other cultures might choose different hues.

Colour can also support learning by increasing visual contrast in writing, diagrams and pictures. This helps readers focus on what matters most in a text or presentation, making it easier to absorb information. Research shows that the use of coloured visuals can improve attention spans, problem-solving skills and comprehension of texts by as much as 78%.

In addition, different colours can evoke different emotional reactions from students. For instance, blue may communicate trustworthiness while yellow may create an energized feeling. This means teachers can strategically choose colours to evoke certain messages to help their students better understand the material they’re studying.

How to Use Colors to Create a Stimulating Learning Environment

The beauty of using colour in international education is that it can be used to create a stimulating learning environment, no matter where you are. Colour can be used to draw attention to important areas of the lesson, encourage participation and engagement, and create an atmosphere that encourages curiosity and exploration.

Using colours effectively can help students understand concepts more quickly and have more meaningful connections with the materials. Here are some ways you can use colour in the classroom

Colour Coding

Using colour coding to divide information into categories helps learners distinguish between concepts. For example, red could be used for math equations, blue for science topics and green for literature questions. This strategy is especially useful when teaching multiple topics at once or giving examinations where different subjects are tested on the same paper.

Visual Aids

Colours can be used to highlight key points in diagrams or slideshows. Using different colours to represent different ideas helps learners easily differentiate between ideas and allow visuals to “pop”.

Wall Displays

Creating wall displays using bright colours will liven up any classroom and help students better understand the material presented. These displays don’t need to be complex; simply mixing contrasting primary colours on a wall is enough to draw attention without creating too much distraction from learning. At RBIA, we use these methodologies in help students benefit from visual learning.

The Role Colour Plays in Teaching International Curriculum

Ranked among the best ICSE, IGCSE and IB schools in South Bangalore, at RBIA we consider colour to be a key component of international education. and is used to stimulate creativity, inspire learning and promote problem-solving. From primary school to university level, colour can be used to help create an engaging learning environment that encourages students to explore different subjects and build their understanding.

The use of colour in the curriculum can have a variety of positive effects, such as:

  • Improving recall and comprehension
  • Enhancing collaboration and creativity
  • Encouraging critical thinking
  • Providing visual cues to aid understanding


Colour has the power to transform a lesson from being simply a lecture on facts, into an interactive experience that can be remembered for longer. Admissions are open for 2023-2024 at Redbridge International Academy, the best ICSE school in Bangalore. For more details, call their helpline numbers on their website.

Uncovering the Top 5 Reasons for an International School

The foundation for shaping our children’s future is laid by education. Choosing the ideal school is an important decision that parents must make to ensure the success of their children. A good school should work to develop each student’s special talents and foster an environment where they can grow into well rounded, self-reliant young students.

In this modern age, parents are aware of how impactful education at International schools can be. Let us discuss a few ways by which we can easily find out why an international school is the best for students. We will also discuss the major differences between other schools from the standpoint of curriculum, facilities, teaching methodologies and more.

In this article, we’ll take a look at seven of the top reasons for parents to consider international schools for their children. 

What Is an International School?

An international school is an educational institution that follows an international curriculum and a study culture that stimulates independent thinking, and holistic education and welcomes students from across the globe. International education provides students with a better understanding of the world and prepares them to become successful members of the global community.

International schools offer instruction in multiple languages due to parents’ professional obligations. These schools also emphasize cultural awareness, respect for diversity and multiculturalism, and understanding different perspectives.

Quality Education: Why It Matters

Student-Teacher Ratio:

The best school in Bangalore, Redbridge International Academy maintain an optimal student-teacher ratio. This results in more personalized instruction, tutoring, and attention that can help your child exceed their potential gradually.

International IB Curriculum:

These schools also use international curricula like the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, the aim of which is to bring about a sense of globalisation in children of young age groups.

However, the best ICSE international school in Bangalore is Redbridge International Academy, where IB and IGCSE curricula are also offered. 

Extra Curricular Activities:

On top of that, international schools often offer an array of extracurricular activities to help round out your child’s education with hands on experience in areas like technology, music, art and dance. 

At an international school, students can learn about global cultural awareness and appreciation through various learning methods and materials. Whether it’s through interactive activities, virtual field trips and collaborative projects or language classes and exchange student programs, students come away with a much more well rounded education than they would have at a traditional school.

Cultural Diversity:

The next key reason for choosing an international school is the diversity experienced here by students. When you send your children to the best  international school in Bangalore, like Redbridge International Academy they get the chance to experience different cultures, learn different languages and understand different religious and moral values. Students learn from peers from other countries and different backgrounds, and this multiculturalism helps build connections with people around the world.

International teachers can also provide insight from their native countries — from customs to current events — and understand the challenges faced by international students coming from all around the world. An internationally diverse, experienced faculty allows students to gain a real-world, global view of their studies.

Sprawling Environment:

In addition, ranked among the top international schools in Bangalore with the Best infrastructure, at Redbridge International Academy, you’ll find students of all ages and abilities in a close-knit learning environment. This creates a diverse learning experience which encourages open-mindedness and critical thinking, helping young minds to better understand their place in the world.

Wide Opportunities:

What’s more, many international schools have partnerships with universities across the globe so that their graduates can matriculate into those institutions for further study. This is especially useful for those who want to experience life in another country—being able to take part in a semester abroad or internships overseas is priceless.

Intercultural Competence

International schools also give students access to the world through their intercultural competence –– the ability to understand people from other cultures, while creating opportunities for shared respect and understanding.

A Foundation for International Success

Are you looking for a way to give your children the best start in life? An international school can be just the ticket that you’re looking for. One of the things that sets an international school apart is its different curricula. 

At Redbridge International Academy, students benefit from curricula such as ICSE, IGCSE and IB with a focus on global understanding and multicultural awareness. Your children will gain a good understanding of both local and international perspectives, giving them an extra edge when it comes to their career prospects in our increasingly globalized world.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
International schools often offer the IB program, a curriculum that offers flexible learning paths tailored to individual student needs. It’s also highly regarded by universities all around the world, so your child will have access to higher education opportunities without having to take additional tests or exams.

English as a Language of Instruction (ELOI)

Many international schools feature English as the language of instruction (ELOI). This gives students not only fluency in English but also expands their understanding and appreciation for different cultures. As ELOI gives even non-native English-speaking children an equal chance at success, this type of setting can help level the playing field and give everyone an equal opportunity for academic success.

Different curricula can provide your child with not only the tools they need to achieve success but also an understanding of what it takes to communicate globally — setting them up for success in our ever more connected world.

Experienced Faculty: How It Impacts Student Learning

The faculty at an international school makes all the difference in student learning. Not only are these instructors often more experienced in the subject matter, but they also demonstrate a level of cultural understanding that is extremely valuable.

All of these factors have immense benefits for international students – it’s no surprise that so many highly motivated individuals seek out this unique type of education.


All in all, an international school is a great choice for students and provides a variety of benefits that can help shape their future success. From the international curriculum offerings and globally recognized qualifications to well rounded educational experiences and opportunities to learn in different cultural contexts, international schools in Bangalore like Redbridge International Academy, provide the perfect setting for students to acquire the skills they need to become successful and competitive in a global world. So, if you are looking for the best school for your child, consider Redbridge International Academy and watch their success soar!